Price list for customers and sponsors –

Price list for sponsors and customers for the comparison portal Thailand for useful information.
You can present your products, logos or own websites here. You can appear as a customer or sponsor. Secure your advantage to be present on this comparison portal.

Here you can book and pay for your entry directly. Make a partnership and pay monthly. In the customer portal, you have an overview of open and made payments at all times. Absolutely secure and trustworthy. You can make your payments via credit card, PayPal or Google Pay.
You have questions: send us an email to:


Monthly fee for a product

Present your products for THB 500 per month per entry

You can cancel monthly at any time
Yearly fee for a product

Present your products for THB 5’000 per year per entry

You can cancel annually at any time
monthly fee for a logo

Your logo with text and a link to your website for THB 1’000 per month

You can cancel monthly at any time
Yearly fee for a product

Your logo with text and a link to your website for THB 10’000 per year

You can cancel annually at any timeorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Monthly fee compagy site

Your own page for your company and your products for THB 2’000 per month

You can cancel monthly at any time
Yearly fee compagy site

Your own page for your company and your products for THB 20’000 per year

You can cancel annually at any time
Monthly fee Side Sponsoring

Appear as a side sponsor. You can get a sponsorship on the sidebar for THB 1’500 per month

This entry is permanently visible in the sidebar.
You can cancel monthly at any time
yearly side sponsor

Appear as a side sponsor. You can get a sponsorship on the sidebar for THB 15’000 per year

This entry is permanently visible in the sidebar.
You can cancel annually at any time
Main Sponsor

Appear as a main sponsor.

The main sponsor is always visible and prominently published at the top of the main page.

We have one main sponsor per branch. Are you interested? Contact us.

Book now and become a customer or sponsor

Book for an entry in the comparison portal
